Detailed below is the Scope of Services as referenced in the “Navman Wireless Service Agreement”, the “Rental Agreement” and “Add to Fleet Rental Agreement” with respect to the provision of Fuel Tax Credit (‘FTC’) Consulting Services (‘the Services’) by Fuel Tax Advisers Pty Ltd (‘FTA’).  The below general “Scope of Services”, the below specific “Scope of Services” for each product and the attached “Terms and Conditions” together form the entirety of this Agreement.

General Acknowledgements

1.     The Customer acknowledges that the Services commence once the Customer signs the “FTC Manager Customer Acknowledgement” on the relevant Teletrac Navman contract document.

2.     All customers acknowledge that all Fuel Tax Credit Consulting Services are provided by Fuel Tax Advisers Pty Ltd, and all GPS data services are provided by Navman Wireless Australia Pty Ltd in accordance with the specific scope of services for each product as set out below.

3.     All customers acknowledge that Fuel Tax Advisers Pty Ltd may be provided with access to their GPS data for the purposes of operation of FTC Manager.

4.     All customers acknowledge that all FTC Manager fees will be invoiced by Teletrac Navman in accordance with existing processes.

5.     All customers acknowledge that monthly subscription fees will be charged from the month after the contract date unless agreed otherwise and that all invoices will be payable to Navman Wireless within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

6.     Retrospective Review customers acknowledge that, if they choose to terminate the Agreement prior to completion of our retrospective FTC review, they agree to pay our time costs for work completed up to the date of termination.

7.     All customers acknowledge that they will receive written communications from Fuel Tax Advisers Pty Ltd via email to the address nominated on the contract documentation.  Customers are responsible for providing any information requested in email communications to enable Fuel Tax Advisers Pty Ltd to complete the services outlined below.  Where a customer fails to respond to communication requests after 3 attempts, they will be placed on our “long term non-responsive customer list” and followed up automatically via email every 3 months.



1.     Request for Information

Upon commencement of the services, FTA will request information required to configure the FTC Manager system.  The FTC Manager system cannot be configured to maximise FTC claim entitlement until ALL information requested has been provided.  Requests and further correspondence will be made via email (to the account nominated on the relevant contract documentation).

2.     Fleet Configuration

FTA will conduct an initial configuration of the Customer’s fleet and operating information relevant to setup the Customer’s fleet in the FTC Manager system, including an assessment of fleet eligibility for FTC and instructions regarding obtaining fuel consumption rates for off-road idling and auxiliary equipment operation.  Where the customer is unable to provide fuel consumption information, we will take a conservative approach and apply ATO-approved minimum default fuel consumption rates.  Once the customer has provided all requested, FTA will complete a Fleet Configuration and provide a copy to the customer for their records.

3.     System Operation & Training

a)    FTC Self Claim customers are responsible for using FTC Manager to make their ongoing FTC claims with ongoing support from Fuel Tax Advisers Pty Ltd.

b)    FTC Self Claim customers are responsible for lodging all FTC claims through their Business Activity Statement.  FTA does not make Business Activity Statement lodgements on behalf of customers.

c)     With regards to training on use of the FTC Manager system:

         i)     customers can elect to operate the FTC Manager themselves with the assistance of various materials including User Guides, FAQs and instructions; or

         ii)    customers can request FTA’s Support Team to provide a one-on-one training session on operation of the FTC Manager system, usually conducted via webinar (email support@fueltaxadvisers.com.au).

d)    Additional training sessions may be requested at an additional cost of $150 per session (plus travel costs if applicable).

e)    If the Customer elects to upgrade to the Full Compliance Service, FTA will operate the entire FTC system, prepare all ongoing FTC claim calculations for the Customer and provide ongoing audit assistance in the case of any future ATO audits.

4.     Ongoing Support

a)    The FTC Manager platform provides a Show Me How support feature that guides Customers through performing common tasks in real-time with interactive instructions for every step of the process.

b)    Additional assistance materials are provided to Customers from within the “Help” menu in the FTC Manager system.

c)     A dedicated FTC Manager Support team is available during business hours for ongoing support in relation to the operation of the FTC Manager system. The support team can be contacted on (07) 3157 1631 or at support@fueltaxadvisers.com.au.

d)    For ongoing support in relation to FTC technical issues, please contact your appointed FTA adviser directly.

e)    If the Customer requires FTA to act on its behalf for any dealings with the ATO other than in response to an FTC desktop audit relating to refunds claimed as a result of our Retrospective Review, FTA reserves the right to charge additional fees for those services.

5.     Fees & Payment

Unless agreed otherwise in the relevant contract documentation, the following fees are payable in relation to the FTC Manager “FTC Self Claim” Subscription Services:

a)    Heavy Vehicles – $14.95 per unit per month (+GST); and

b)    Light Vehicles – $10.95 per unit per month (+GST).

6.     Termination

Teletrac Navman may charge an Early Termination Fee if you terminate the agreement prior to the completion of the specified contract term.



1.     Self-Service Fuel Usage Data Reporting Tool

a)    FTC Manager’s “FTC Data” subscription is designed as a self-service fuel usage data reporting tool.

b)    The Customer is responsible for setup and operation of the FTC Manager system, including fleet configuration, geofence configuration and running GPS Data Reports.

c)     All services provided by FTA to FTC Manager “FTC Data” customers are administrative services in relation to the operation of FTC Manager. FTA does not provide any fuel tax consulting services to FTC Manager “FTC Data” subscription customers.

d)    FTA takes no responsibility for any incorrect FTC claims arising as a result of incorrect system configuration by the Customer.

2.     Ongoing Support

a)    The FTC Manager platform provides a Show Me How support feature that guides Customers through performing common tasks in real-time with interactive instructions for every step of the process.

b)    Additional assistance materials are provided to Customers from within the “Help” menu in the FTC Manager system.

c)     A dedicated FTC Manager Support team is available during business hours for ongoing support in relation to the operation of the FTC Manager system. The support team can be contacted on (07) 3157 1631 or support@fueltaxadvisers.com.au.

3.     Fees & Payment

Unless agreed otherwise in the relevant contract documentation, the following fees are payable in relation to the FTC Manager “FTC Self Claim” Subscription Services:

a)    Heavy Vehicles – $9.95 per unit per month (+GST); and

b)    Light Vehicles – $7.95 per unit per month (+GST).

4.     Termination

Teletrac Navman may charge an Early Termination Fee if you terminate the agreement prior to the completion of the specified contract term.


1.     Request for Information

a)    Upon commencement of the services, FTA will request information required to conduct the retrospective review, including details of past fuel acquisitions and previous FTC claim calculation worksheets.

b)    All correspondence will be made via email to the account nominated on the relevant contract documentation.

c)     Customers acknowledge that FTA cannot complete your retrospective review until ALL requested information is provided.

d)    Where customers fail to respond to information requests after 3 attempts, they will be placed on our “long term non-responsive customer list” and followed up automatically via email every 3 months.

2.     Retrospective Review

a)    FTA will conduct a Retrospective Refund Review (for a period of up to four years) for the Customer using sample data obtained from FTC Manager and information provided by the customer in response to our Request for Information (Item 1 above).

b)    At completion of the Retrospective Refund Review, FTA will provide the Customer with a letter of advice detailing the apportionment methodologies used for calculation of the refund entitlement, and instructions for making the refund claim. The advice will be provided in such a way that it may act as a standalone document in case of future ATO audit.

c)     It is the customer’s responsibility to make the FTC refund claims in their Business Activity Statement (BAS) as instructed by FTA.  FTA does not lodge the FTC refund claims directly with the ATO.

3.     ATO Desktop Audit Assistance for Refund Claim (if required)

a)    If the Customer is selected for an ATO desktop audit in relation to any refund entitlement claimed as a result of our Retrospective Review, FTA will act on the Customer’s behalf in dealings with the ATO and provide all information necessary for finalisation of the audit.

4.     Fees & Payment

For the avoidance of doubt, unless agreed otherwise, the following fees are payable in relation to FTC Manager Retrospective Review Services:

a)    Retrospective Review Services – A fee equal to 20% of the refund entitlement which FTA instructs you to claim in the letter of advice referred to at item 2(b) above (+GST).

5.     Termination

For the avoidance of doubt, if you terminate the agreement prior to completion of the Retrospective Review, you agree to pay FTA’s time costs for work completed up to the date of termination.  Our time costs are calculated using our standard hourly rates in accordance with the table below.


Admin / IT                     $150
Consultant                     $250
Senior Consultant          $350
Manager                        $450
Director                          $650


1.     FTC Claim Compliance Services

a)    The Full Compliance Service is a complete compliance solution whereby FTA is responsible for the preparation of all ongoing claims made by the Customer.

b)    The Full Compliance Service is an add-on to the Services provided to FTC Manager “FTC Self Claim” customers.

2.     FTA Obligations

a)    FTA will operate the entire FTC Manager system on behalf of the Customer without the Customer even needing to log in.

b)    FTA will prepare all ongoing FTC claim calculations for the Customer and send these to you via email for BAS lodgement.

c)     FTA will provide ongoing audit assistance in case of any future ATO audits.

3.     Customer Requirements

To ensure accurate and timely FTC claims are made, the Customer must:

a)    Send fuel acquisition information to ftcclaims@fueltaxadvisers.com.au as soon as possible after completion of a BAS period to allow FTA reasonably sufficient time to calculate your FTC claim prior to the Business Activity Statement (BAS) lodgement date.

b)    Provide the requested information in a timely manner, allowing enough time for completion of the FTC claim calculations by the due date for lodgement of BAS.

c)     Advise us if there have been any changes to your fleet during the previous BAS period.

d)    Advise us if there are any new off-road areas/sites that your vehicles will be travelling to regularly so that we may geofence them for you within the system.

If the instructions above are not followed, we cannot guarantee timely preparation of your FTC claim calculations.  We will send you a reminder notice each quarter.  FTA accepts no responsibility for failure to lodge FTC claims where any of the above requirements have not been met.